Covid-19: Northland vaccination effort making strides after sluggish start | RNZ News

Northland is making a Covid-19 vaccine comeback after a scrambled start to the rollout.
Collected news stories, with a current focus on Covid-19 recovery
Northland is making a Covid-19 vaccine comeback after a scrambled start to the rollout. Keep Reading
As five new community cases are reported in Melbourne, Labor frontbencher Bill Shorten says up to two residents in an aged care facility in the city have tested positive. Keep Reading
Employers have a duty of care for worker wellbeing but how far does that go? Keep Reading
As the Asian country sees its case numbers and death toll rise, lab tests discover a new version of the virus that might spread more easily. Keep Reading
Today's update was provided by the Ministry of Health in a statement this afternoon. Keep Reading
The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine has been given the official tick to allow it to be used after longer storage times at normal fridge temperature. Keep Reading
In a revealing interview, NZ's health boss says the world needs to cooperate far better in future emergencies. Keep Reading
Chris Hipkins says the Ministery of Health is "pulling out all the stops to get in touch with everybody". Keep Reading
Contact tracers are chasing up 500 recent arrivals from Melbourne to tell them they are required to isolate and get tested for Covid-19. Keep Reading
New Zealand has regained its number one spot as the best place in the world to be during the COVID-19 era. Keep Reading
During an interview with Newsroom about the future of the pandemic, Ashley Bloomfield suggested some Covid-19 restrictions could remain in place for the next three to five years. Keep Reading
Victoria is back in lockdown and so are New Zealanders living and travelling there. Keep Reading
Bloomfield was expecting a high degree of co-operation. Keep Reading
New Zealanders living in Melbourne are resigned to another lockdown, saying although it was inevitable, it will still be hard. Keep Reading
This is breaking news - more to come Keep Reading
How many people have been vaccinated in New Zealand? Newsroom presents a weekly dashboard of everything you need to know about New Zealand's vaccine rollout. Keep Reading
A lockdown is looking more likely for the Australian state after lawmakers met late into the evening to decide how to contain Melbourne’s Covid-19 outbreak. Keep Reading
The largest phase of the vaccine roll-out has been pushed back several weeks - but getting the vaccine into the country is the first challenge. Keep Reading
Vaccinations and the long-awaited rollout of a government-approved saliva test hope to ease the burden on border workers and aviation staff Keep Reading
South Australia has enforced a hard border with residents of Greater Melbourne, as authorities reveal the man at the centre of Melbourne's Covid-19 outbreak likely caught it through aerosol transmission in Adelaide hotel quarantine. Keep Reading
The Covid-19 vaccine roll-out for the general population has been moved to the “end of July”, pushing the start of the population-wide campaign back by weeks. Keep Reading
The bubble ban will be reviewed tomorrow as more Melbourne cases are reported, and anyone now in NZ who has been in the affected area is being told to get a test. Keep Reading
Call it a 'delay' or call it a 'clarification' as you prefer, but the Government now says the Covid-19 vaccine is two months away for the general population. Keep Reading
As the number of Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine doses given around the world increases at pace every day, reports of temporary, mild side effects after the... Keep Reading
After almost three months of no community transmission, Victoria is once again in the midst of another COVID-19 outbreak. Finding out what those people have been doing while infectious will be the key to keeping the outbreak under control. Keep Reading
The latest collected news from around New Zealand and globally, digging beyond the usual news websites. The current main focus is on Covid-19 recovery. Keep Reading
University of Canterbury mathematical modeller Professor Michael Plank looks at what the Government’s upcoming Budget announcement may mean for future ... Keep Reading
In the fight against the coronvairus, some countries are faring better than others. Keep Reading
Opinion: Helen Petousis-Harris takes apart eight of the most dangerous and untrue pieces of propaganda currently circulating in NZ about Covid-19 vaccines. Keep Reading
Explainer - Who gets the Covid-19 vaccine, and when? RNZ is here to clear it all up. Keep Reading