The 1918 influenza tore through Māori communities. Anti-vaxxers risk this again | Morgan Godfery | The Guardian

Some of New Zealand’s anti-vaxxers say that the Covid vaccine is a form of 21st-century colonialism – it’s not
Collected news stories, with a current focus on Covid-19 recovery
Some of New Zealand’s anti-vaxxers say that the Covid vaccine is a form of 21st-century colonialism – it’s not Keep Reading
There are fears the phase three Omicron response will see already-stretched rural health services in crisis as they try to care for increasing numbers of Covid-19 patients at home. Keep Reading
Health officials say they're not trying to scare people with the Omicron response. It follows claims from Air New Zealand boss Greg Foran that people aren Keep Reading
The new shipment, along with tests that arrived in the last two days, will bring the country's stock to 22 million by Monday. Keep Reading
A total of 89 people are in hospital with the virus in New Zealand. Keep Reading
It's bad news for the annual Rhythm and Vines festival. Keep Reading
Rising vaccinations dampening the number of new daily cases. Keep Reading
An Auckland cafe manager hopes customers aren't upset by the no vaccine pass, no entry rule when the traffic light system starts on Friday. Keep Reading
One volunteer says the number has doubled since she joined at the start of the August lockdown. Keep Reading
Some concerned by tapering of financial support under Traffic Light System. Keep Reading
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced which areas will be in Red. Keep Reading
There are 182 new cases of Covid-19, as Cabinet meets to decide traffic light settings for the country. Keep Reading
The potential spread of Covid-19 in apartments, particularly ones without windows that open, is raising alarm. Keep Reading
Auckland's Covid-19 outbreak looks to have peaked but a leading data modeller is warning that the situation could change as the traffic light system is introduced. Keep Reading
Māori have suffered disproportionately from every pandemic/epidemic to arrive in New Zealand. More recently, Pacific Peoples have shared the same position. Keep Reading
"There is plenty of existing stock of the Pfizer vaccine in New Zealand and this will not run out." Keep Reading
The emergence of the Omicron variant of coronavirus shows Africa needs greater access to vaccines, experts say. There are also warnings we shouldn't give up masks, social distancing or contact tracing in Australia. Keep Reading
The UK and the southern German state of Bavaria have detected two cases of the new Omicron coronavirus variant. Keep Reading
An infectious diseases expert believes the country is well placed to detect and respond to any cases of the Omicron Covid-19 variant. Keep Reading
The first South African doctor to alert the authorities about patients with the Omicron variant says the symptoms differed from previous Covid patients. Keep Reading
A person in their 80s has died at North Shore Hospital, as the Health Ministry reports 144 new community cases, and 82 patients in hospital, nine of whom are in intensive care. Keep Reading
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Worried scientists in South Africa are scrambling to combat the lightning spread across the country of the new and highly transmissible omicron COVID-19 variant as the world grapples with its emergence. Keep Reading
James Ussher and Philip Hill assess our current testing options and what's available worldwide - and make some suggestions on what avenues we should be taking. Keep Reading
It's been suggested the virus could kill thousands of New Zealanders. This is what we know about Covid’s lethality and the tools we have to fight back. Keep Reading
Most major countries have now imposed restrictions on travel from southern Africa, to try to contain the new Covid-19 variant called Omicron. Keep Reading
Anyone who has been fully vaccinated for more than six months can receive their booster from today. Keep Reading
Breathlessness and fatigue are the real warning signs, experts say, after two men died while in self-isolation this week. Keep Reading
Explainer - Sometime soon, the alert level system which is becoming increasingly complex, will be replaced with traffic lights. Join RNZ for a journey into the future to see what that means. Keep Reading
Keep track of vaccination rates across Aotearoa with 1News' graphs. Keep Reading
Shops will open and gatherings of up to 25 people can happen outside - here's the rundown of the step 2 rules. Keep Reading
Collected news from around New Zealand and globally, digging beyond the usual news websites. The current main focus is on Covid-19 recovery. Keep Reading