Departments and Ministries
Archives New Zealand Te Whare Tohu Tuhituhinga O Aotearoa
Archives New Zealand is the "keeper of the Public Record - the memory of government". This site explains their services, publications and holdings.
* Building Performance
Created by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to direct and support people to and through building processes to achieve compliance with the building regulatory environment.
* Citizenship Office
* Companies Office, Ministry of Economic Development
* Courts of New Zealand Te Tari Kooti
* Crown Company Monitoring Advisory Unit (CCMAU)
* Crown Law Office
The Crown Law Office provides legal advice and representation to the New Zealand Government, its departments, ministries and agencies in matters affecting the Crown.
* Crown Minerals, Ministry of Economic Development
Crown Minerals manages the New Zealand Government's oil, gas, minerals and coal resources, known as the Crown Mineral Estate.
* Department of Building and Housing. Te Whare Ahuru
The Department was established on 1 November 2004 when the Ministry of Housing was renamed the Department of Building and Housing, and building policy functions were added to its role.
* Department of Child, Youth and Family Services Te Tari Awhina i te Tamaiti, te Rangatahi, tae atu ki te Whanau
* Department of Conservation (DoC) Te Papa Atawhai
DoC manages: National parks, scenic reserves, conservation areas and protected ecological areas. Native wildlife, non-commercial freshwater fisheries, historic places on conservation land, marine reserves, marine mammals and offshore islands set aside for conservation.
* Department of Corrections
* Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua
* Department of Labour Te Tari Mahi
The Department of Labour's purpose is to link social and economic issues to enable people to develop and use their potential. Their services include employment relations, workplace health and safety, community employment, immigration, labour market policy and Māori liaison.
* Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
* Employment Relations Service Te Ratonga Hononga Taimahi
Service unit of the Department of Labour, contains basic information on laws relating to the workplace. It outlines the main rights and obligations of employers and employees.
* Fines on Line
Pay your fine or check if you've got one, learn about your rights and obligations, order publications, and get help with inquiries.
* Government Communications Security Bureau
Intelligence and security agency. The level of information available about the GCSB's role is restricted.
* Inland Revenue Department Te Tari Taake
Includes forms, tax information bulletins and other information for businesses and individuals.
* Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand Te Hou Rahui Hanga Hou
The Information Library includes guides to Trademark searching and Patents.
* Land Information New Zealand Toitu te whenua
* Ministry for Culture and Heritage Te Manatū Taonga
* Ministry for the Environment Manatu mo te Taiao
MfE is responsible for the following areas: resource management; land, air and water quality; waste, hazardous substances and contaminated sites; protection of the ozone layer and global warming.
* Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management
Leading the way in making New Zealand and its communities resilient to hazards and disasters
* Ministry of Consumer Affairs Manatu Kaihokohoko
* Ministry of Defence Manatu Kaupapa Waonga
* Ministry of Economic Development (MED) Manatu Ohanga
A diverse organisation with a unifying theme - promoting an environment for sustained business performance. The Ministry comprises seven Ministerial portfolios - Commerce, Energy, Communications, Business Development, Consumer Affairs and the Government Superannuation Fund.
* Ministry of Education Te Tahuhu o te Matauranga
* Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) Manatū Aorere
Is responsible for international relations, including New Zealand's involvement with international environmental conferences and agreements.
* Ministry of Health Manatu Hauora
* Ministry of Justice Te Manatu Ture
Provides an overview of the Ministry and New Zealand Courts and their services.
* Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs
* Ministry of Primary Industries Te Manatu Ahuwhenua, Ngaherehere
MPI is the ministry formed from the merger of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Fisheries and the New Zealand Food Safety Authority.
* Ministry of Research, Science & Technology (MORST) Te Manatu Putaiao
focuses on four key goal areas for research and innovation: knowledge, economic, social and environmental. The website also provides links to Crown research institutes and other research organisations in New Zealand.
* Ministry of Social Development (MSD) Te Manatu Whakahiato Ora
* Ministry of Tourism
* Ministry of Transport (MOT) Te Manatu Waka
is working for transport that meets the current and future needs of New Zealand, is accessible, efficient and safe for people and our environment.
* Ministry of Women’s Affairs Minitatanga Mō Ngā Wāhine
Gives Government policy advice on improving outcomes for women in New Zealand, provides suitable women nominees for appointment to state sector boards and committees, offers support services to the Minister, and manages New Zealand’s international obligations in relation to the status of women.
* Ministry of Youth Development Te Tari Taiohi
Find out about the policies, programmes, legislation and services that concern young people in New Zealand.
* MPI Biosecurity Authority
* National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
* New Zealand Army Ngāti Tumatauenga
* New Zealand Customs Te Mana Arai o Aotearoa
* New Zealand Debt Management Office (NZDMO)
Responsible for managing the Crown's domestic borrowing programme.
* New Zealand Defence Force Te Ope Kaatua o Aotearoa
* New Zealand Immigration Service (NZIS)
* New Zealand Police Nga Pirihimana O Aotearoa
* New Zealand Treasury Kaitohutohu Kaupapa Rawa
Government�s lead advisor on economic and financial policy.
* The Office of Ethnic Affairs Te Tari Matawaka
Provides a referral and information service for ethnic communities and policy advice to government.
* Office of Treaty Settlements Te Tari Whakatau Take e pa ana Ki te Tiriti o Waitangi
The Office of Treaty Settlements (OTS) negotiates, on behalf of the Crown, settlement of historical Treaty of Waitangi claims with Māori claimant groups.
* OSH Safety Net Te Ratonga Oranga
Occupational Safety and Health New Zealand (OSH) web site. Contains recent OSH publications, press releases, information on health and safety law in New Zealand and some statistics.
* Passport Office
* The Royal New Zealand Air Force
* The Royal New Zealand Navy Te Taua Moana O Aotearoa
* Serious Fraud Office Te Tari Hara Tāware
* Statistics New Zealand Te Tari Tatau
The website of New Zealand's official statistics agency
* Te Puni Kōkiri Ministry of Māori Development
* Tenancy Services
A division of the Department of Building and Housing
Work and Income NZ Te Hiranga Tangata
Work and Income can help you find work. They provide financial assistance and employment services throughout New Zealand.