Experts want more digital regulation as misinformation grows

TV, newspapers and news media sites are regulated, but most of the internet isn't.
Latest collected stories with a current focus on media and technology
TV, newspapers and news media sites are regulated, but most of the internet isn't. Keep Reading
OPINION: A not-for-profit model offers the best hope for the media landscape, if the Government approves a tie-up of the State's two public broadcasters. Keep Reading
Footage claiming to document the situation in Ukraine may not necessarily be genuine. Here’s how to treat viral footage with the right level of scepticism before sharing it on social media. Keep Reading
OPINION: The internet fosters the worst of us, and I would cheerfully disinvent it. Keep Reading
Part one in a series on the worsening spread of false information online looks at the challenge of balancing freedom of expression with targeting misinformation. Keep Reading
OPINION: One company controls a lot of what we say to each other. Keep Reading
“Māori want to ‘own’ spectrum, not to set up their own separate network, but as an incentive for existing telcos to enter into commercial deals with Māori.” — Andrew Robb. Keep Reading
OPINION: "Facebook, and other social media outlets, have become an existential threat to democracy and must be heavily regulated." Keep Reading
Covid skeptics occupied Parliament grounds this week under the banner of ‘freedom’ - and many other things. Did media coverage amplify their fringe views? Should media do more to understand them and what motivates their movement - in spite of their obvious hostility to the media themselves? Mediawatch asks an editor wrestling with those dilemmas. Keep Reading
Countering social media's power to target misinformation should be the first order of business as Aotearoa emerges from the pandemic, writes Nicholas Agar. Keep Reading
We want to hear from you ahead of our special live event. Keep Reading
The media firm's internet security adviser said the hack was likely aimed at gathering intelligence for Beijing's benefit. Keep Reading
Joe Rogan’s show has become a flashpoint for discussions on what should be allowed on podcasts – here’s who he is, and why he is so talked about. Keep Reading
Tech giants such as Spotify like to claim they are platforms, not publishers, and aren’t editorially responsible for the content they host. But with COVID threatening lives, they have to do better. Keep Reading
A group monitoring conspiracy theories on social media is calling on Facebook to do more to stamp out false and misleading claims about the Covid-19 pandemic and vaccine. Keep Reading
Kiwi organisations working in the country - or targeting its citizens - may have to meet tough new standards. Keep Reading
Joe Rogan has released a response video out of the blue after facing a global backlash. Keep Reading
The Facebook chief plans to build a $10bn virtual-reality world. Enter it at your peril Keep Reading
The streaming service’s decision to back the controversial podcast shows it might have lost its way, says music business journalist Eamonn Forde Keep Reading
Vinay Goel, Product Lead, Chrome Privacy Sandbox shares details of a new proposal - Topics – highlighting a new collaboration with the industry. Keep Reading
The pandemic trade is coming apart, and Netflix is the latest company to suffer. Keep Reading
Expect to see a lot more NFTs as profile pictures. Keep Reading
More than a thousand health professionals are calling on Spotify to crack down on COVID-19 falsehoods aired on the podcast of the company's most popular host. Keep Reading
Investor Ben Lewis is selling his rental property and putting the proceeds into the digital share trading platform, Hatch, as experts raise concerns that investor behaviour is changing. Keep Reading
Newly unredacted documents from a state-led antitrust lawsuit against Google accuse the search giant of colluding with rival Facebook to manipulate online advertising sales. Keep Reading
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Collected stories and commentary, from New Zealand and elsewhere, that are topical and trending on media and digital issues. Keep Reading