History, or historic footnote: Did the Parliament protest change anything? | Stuff.co.nz

The 23-day occupation at Parliament bruised the nation. Historians say we’ll remember it differently.
The 23-day occupation at Parliament bruised the nation. Historians say we’ll remember it differently. Keep Reading
OPINION: Glenda Hughes was a frontline officer during the Springbok tour - watching Parliament being cleared of protesters dredged up those painful memories. Keep Reading
A protest turns into a riot and conflagration as police move on Parliament’s squatters with quite extraordinary restraint. Photos tell the story. Keep Reading
Protest activity around the country is being monitored by police, who are calling for evidence of criminal acts following Wednesday's violent clash at Parliament. Keep Reading
Dr Ian Hyslop explains why it's urgent we address the social and political divisions that enabled the Parliament protest rather than "disparage the feral mob and order another latte". Keep Reading
The occupiers may have been forced from Parliament grounds, but the protest will live on. Keep Reading
Alan Roberts from well-known tapas bar, Avida, said revenue was down 60 per cent over the last three weeks. Keep Reading
Normality is slowly returning to Parliament. After weeks of hostility on the Parliament lawns, ultimately culminating on Wednesday's violence, the cleanup Keep Reading
OPINION: We can wash away the filth of the protest in a big clean up, but the conspiracy theories and violent undercurrents are still there. Keep Reading
Police are about to begin removing barricades blocking roads around Parliament - but Wellington's lower Molesworth Street will remain cordoned off for now. Keep Reading
A group protecting Wainuiomata Marae from disaffected Parliament protesters have been abused and were forced to restrain a confrontational man. Keep Reading
There is a difference between ‘negative liberty’ and ‘positive liberty’. Real freedom involves unavoidable trade-offs between the two. Keep Reading
Over 200 complaints about the behaviour of police during the operation to evict anti-mandate protestors from Parliament grounds on Wednesday have been lodged... Keep Reading
Police now combing through hours of protest footage as part of ongoing criminal inquiry. Keep Reading
Locals weren't having it. Keep Reading
Noel Woods, a former Te Upoko o te Ika FM staffer, says when he saw from the Children’s Commissioner office the protestors being pushed off the front steps... Keep Reading
Parliament grounds have been deemed a crime scene but the rubbish removal continues apace and concrete bollards blocking the roads are set for removal today, as normality returns to the capital. Keep Reading
After 23 days, the occupation at Parliament was finally brought to a chaotic and violent end. The Detail talks to two reporters who were there as it all unfolded. Keep Reading
The real story of how the protest unfolded, from Stuff personnel behind the lines with the protesters. Keep Reading
Just a handful of protesters remain outside Parliament's grounds after being kicked out on Wednesday. Keep Reading
Police have begun a "significant investigation" into yesterday's events at the Parliament protest and say they will hold people accountable for any criminal behaviour. Watch the latest media conference here. Keep Reading
Anti-mandate protesters remain scattered in different groups around the Wellington area, as the clean-up of Parliament grounds continues. Follow all the latest developments with RNZ's live blog. Keep Reading
Protesters lit fires and hurled bricks at officers as violence erupted. Keep Reading
Wellingtonians flock to sign up for clean-up operation as scale of it becomes apparent. Keep Reading
The fiery end to the three-week occupation will only firm the resolve of the violent extremists of the anti-vax and anti-mandate movement. Keep Reading
A new RNZ documentary shows the Parliament protests as they've never been seen before. Keep Reading